
Projet 1.
keywords: business plan, strategic market approach, communication
strategy, strategic partner strategy, marketing plan, marketing strategy,
implementation of the marketing plan, direct mailings, internet, company
brochure, workshops, internal workshops, internal communication
The client: Belgian multinational trading company, of
eco-friendly, fast-moving consumer goods.
The challenge: The American sales office of this Belgian
group was in need of new oxygen for its financial and commercial activities.
Our approach: For this assignment, a Blue Turtle Consultant
took over the management of the U.S.office. In close consultation with
the Belgian headquarters, he organized a bottom-up restructuring operation.
A first step aimed at an operational revitalization: it was crucially
important to improve the collaboration and synergies between the different
offices and the autonomous pilot stations. One of the priorities was the
establishment of clear and transparent communication channels. Communication
with the Belgian headquarters had to be improved, as the head office needed
to monitor its operations in the U.S. As a second step we analyzed all
US-operations, looking for ways and means to restore their profitability.
The strategy we adopted was to make cutbacks and size down, to strengthen
what we saw as the fundamentals for future growth. Only then could we
try to identify potential growth segments in the market. The third step
consisted in selecting the best staff, in terms of motivation and sheer
competence. The fundamental character of the reorganization made us select
those people who were prepared to really “go for it”. Additional
people were hired for a number of key positions. Finding truly motivated
staff was really key if we wanted our reorganization to succeed. The final
step of this comprehensive operation was the implementation of a strategic
marketing plan, aiming at a pro-active approach of distributors and retailers.
Unavoidable, sometimes drastic measures and the use of the right resources
at the right time helped us to win the hearts and minds of the employees
and to implement the marketing plan. Operation accomplished! Today, the
stakeholders (employees, clients, customers and suppliers) have regained
trust. They believe in the products and are confident that the company
has done what needed to be done.
The result: A better use of resources in combination
with a new and clear marketing strategy, focusing on stronger relations
both with old and new customers, proved to be a successful mix. Not only
did we restore the profitability of the American subsidiary, we also created
a 25% turnover growth.
