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Communication, PR, public affairs

>> How we work

>> External communication
Direct mailings
Press release
Corporate folder
Interactieve communication
Annual report
Press-conferences and workshops
Media training

>> Internal communication

>> Crisis communication

>> Public affairs

>> Presentation

>> Contact


Direct mailings

If you wish to extend or to maintain your personal business network, direct mailings might be the right way. Blue Turtle Business Partners can help you develop either electronic or traditional mailings. We can edit and lay out your mails and also distribute them.

Press release

Blue Turtle Business Partners will rewrite your technical texts, and provide you with accurate but easily readable documents. Technical jargon should be avoided if you really want your target audience to get the news. Journalists will never publish a text they can hardly understand, and do not always bother to rewrite the message or to contact you or your staff for further information. We can also take care of the mailing of the news release and answer questions once it has been published.


Blue Turtle provides a full internet service. It can start by providing a concept for a brand new website, which we will be happy to implement, but we can just as well update and improve an existing site.

We start with a good talk to grasp what it is you really want and/or need, or even better: what your customers want or need. In a second phase we develop a proposal, taking your corporate style and image into account. We prioritise easy navigation and use. Blue Turtle believes your internet site should be a business tool, i.e. help you in achieving your business goals.


A newsletter is a nice and simple way to keep in touch with your main stakeholders. We provide both digital and printed newsletters and, if desired, can take care of mailings.

Corporate folder

We can also develop a corporate leaflet or folder, a nice hand-out presenting your company or organisation in a clear and attractive way.

Interactive communication

The nice thing about interactive communication is that your target audience watches or listens to your message at the moment of its choice and in its preferred language. We have the required experience for work with
(streaming) video, CD-rom, slide-shows. Blue Turtle can also develop and produce your corporate or educational video. It can either be a simple report about an event the company finds important, or a sophisticated documentary. We can offer this service at extremely competitive rates, as we have the necessary know-how at hand.

Annual report

The Annual report is some kind of blueprint of a company. Here its mission, values, activities and projects are presented in a rather concise form.

Blue Turtle Business Partners is not in a position to supply the required financial data. But it is fully prepared to have its native English writing staff re-edit the texts in such a way that people enjoy them, but get the required information all the same.

Press conferences and workshops

Please think twice before holding a press conference. Only very specific circumstances require the organization of this type of event. Many press conferences are simply boring and superfluous. On occasion, though, a press conferences does make sense. Blue Turtle will advise you on what it takes to have a successful press conference or can organize it for you. It might be a good idea to prepare or update your press kit, a tool you should have permanently available anyhow.
Workshops and seminars for in house staff or for media people should be carefully prepared as well. What are you trying to achieve with your workshop? Who will be the spokespersons? Whom exactly do you invite? What makes a successful workshop? Again, Blue Turtle can either assist you in preparing the event or do it for you. Blue Turtle can also provide a facilitator, so that participants can concentrate on content, without having to keep the discussion going.

Media Training

Speaking on radio, television or in the print media, is one of the most powerful and immediate ways of getting your messages across - because people relate to other people and the human interest pushes your story to the front of the queue.
Blue Turtle Business Partners will teach you the rules of thumb you should keep in mind whenever you are invited for an interview, when you are talking to an audience, YOUR audience. All of our training exercises are videotaped and played back immediately for critiquing. At the end of each training session the videotapes are given to the client for ongoing study and review.


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